Bottled Water-The Impact on our Health and the Environment
1) Berkeys gravity fed filtration systems offer the convenience of purifying the tap water in the comfort of your own home. No more lugging heavy jugs around!
2) Bottled water is expensive. Households spend an average of $40 per month for bottled water. That's $480 per year or $2400.00 over 5 years! A Big Berkey System will will pay for itself after 8 months and will eliminate the need to buy drinking water. Unarguably, a Berkey system will literally put hundreds of dollars into your own pocket. The 2 Black Berkey elements will last 6 years (6000 gallon life).
4) Dump your remaining bottled water into a Berkey system to ensure no BPA or other contaminants are in your drinking water.
5) The processing and transport of bottled water has a devastating impact on our environment. In the United States, It takes a fleet of 40,000 18-wheelers just to deliver our bottle water every week!
Highlights From the Huffington Post Article:
- There are 50 billion water bottles consumed every year, about 30 billion of them in the United States. (2.4 billion in Canada).
- It takes 3 times the volume of water to manufacture 1 bottle of water than it does to fill it, and because of the chemical production of plastics, that water is mostly unusable
- We use 17 million barrels of oil each year just to produce all of those water bottles. Another way to think of it: when you pick up a water bottle at the supermarket, hold it up and imagine it filled ¼ with oil. That’s how much in fossil fuels it took just to manufacture it!
- In the United States, It takes a fleet of 40,000 18-wheelers just to deliver our bottle water every week! (worth repeating!)
- Eighty percent of the water bottles we buy end up in landfills
Health Dangers of Plastic Water Bottles and Jugs by Dr Josh Axe